Event Details

Meeting with Delegation from Ghana
Mumbai | 04 September 2018
A delegation led by Mr Caliis Nii Oman Badoo, Head Legal and Enforcement Department, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Ministry of Finance, Government of Ghana visited NABARD, HO on the 4th September 2018. The other members of the delegation include officials  from the Ghana Commodity Exchange, Ghana Apex farmers Association, Ghana Traders Association and IFC, Ghana.
Shri M C Thakkar, CGM, CPD welcomed the delegates and moderated the interactions. Shri H R Dave, Deputy Managing Director, in his address highlighted the role of NABARD in purveying agri credit and developing rural areas especially addressing the imperfections and inadequacies in the market.  He touched upon the role of NABARD in developmental activities including access to finance through the SHG Bank Linkage programme, Rupay KCC for farmers and formation of Farmer Producer Companies and how farmers could be a part of the E-NAM initiatives of the GoI. He also spoke on NABARD’s initiatives in the areas of micro finance, digitisation, etc.  At the request of the delegation, Shri H R Dave, DMD also articulated the rationale behind NABARD’s involvement in the promotion of commodity exchanges and how it helps the farmers in managing risk.  DMD further explained the important role played by NABARD in leveraging the international resources for addressing climate change in agriculture and the setting up of the Centre for Climate Change in BIRD, Lucknow. At the request of the delegation, DMD also suggested that BIRD could conduct customised training programmes for the officials in agricultural finance. DMD also explained the role of NABCONS in providing consulting support to the sector in India and in Africa and the role of NABCONS in setting up a BIRD like institute in Malawi, Africa. 
Shri A K Mohanty, CGM explained the role of NABARD in financing infrastructure development and warehouse financing including NABARD’s initiatives in Warehousing, Warehouse Receipt Financing etc.  Shri Samrat Mukherjee, Vice President, NABCONS Zonal Office, Mumbai made a presentation on “NABCONS and its role in  Warehouse Accredititation”.  All the presentations were well received by the participants.  The delegation appreciated the role of NABARD in overall development of the agriculture sector and warehouse financing.  The delegation members thanked NABARD for sharing its experiences.