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Signing of MoU between NABARD, NABCONS & TADB
Mumbai | 27 November 2018
TADB had earlier invited specialists from NABARD to train their commercial banks in basic principles of agriculture finance. As a part of this, BIRD, Lucknow trained almost 62 Bankers from different commercial banks. 
As a follow up on the training of their officials in agricultural 1finance, TADB had requested collaboration with NABARD for preparing the organization in financing for agriculture and reengineering their associated business processes. 
The Indian High Commissioner in Tanzania also supported this request from the TADB. Consequently an MOU was signed between NABARD, NABCONS & TADB for cooperation in Research, Programme/Product Design & Implementation, Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Building on  27 November 2018. 
The objective of an MoU is to provide a framework for collaboration between TADB and NABARD including collaboration with NABCONS in implementing plans, activities and projects of interest. Specific area of collaboration will include formulating and implementing resources mobilisation strategies for agricultural lending, research and development and capacity building, conducting feasibility studies, value chain analyses, baseline surveys etc.