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Strategic Planning and Product Innovation Department

In order to provide sustainable solutions to the agriculture and rural development related issues, there is a need to design and develop suite of credit and credit plus products and services for NABARD, its subsidiaries and banking sector at large, which will enhance NABARD’s visibility and engagement with stakeholders.

Accordingly, Strategic Planning and Product Innovation Department (SPPID) was set up as a new department on 01 January 2020 to bring in incremental innovation to its existing products and launch innovative products in tune with changing financial sector landscape, clientele needs and the emerging rural landscape, keeping in focus the mandate of NABARD.

Through its core functions, the Department provides critical insights into the environment, creates a visible focus, reinforces proficiency and realizes shared sense of purpose besides help in the Bank in taking informed decisions.

The scope of the department has now been expanded to cover digital and technological interventions of NABARD in the Rural Financial Institutions.

Core functions

Strategic Planning Functions

  • To ensure synergy among goals, objectives, and action plans of NABARD with its primary tasks and responsibility
  • To review the vision and mission statements and formulate short/medium/long term plans
  • To integrate new products into existing product lines based on the external and internal business environment
  • To evaluate the performance, culture, communications, etc., and carry out necessary refinement
  • To conduct stakeholder interactions, Town hall meetings, Seminars and Conferences on topical subjects to gain greater insight

Product Innovation Functions

  • To use private sector finance knowledge and deep sovereign relations of NABARD to deliver innovative products and solutions to effectively respond to the clients’ needs
  • To conduct market research on financial products & development activities and develop conceptual framework for product development
  • To examine the scope of expanding collaboration with new and emerging partnerships with corporate and philanthropic foundations
  • To conduct updated analyses on critical market constraints, improve the products and instruments to provide tailored support to public and private sector clients by deploying tools of data analytics
  • To scale up developmental facilitation and promotional initiatives of NABARD into business proposition
  • To work in coordination with all the business departments of NABARD besides offering solutions based on research and analytics
  • To spur innovative thinking and ideation, pilot the concept of Quality Circle

Digital, technological and other interventions

  • To create an Enterprise Architecture and IT Governance framework
  • To digitize Kisan Credit Card loan process leading to setting up of KCC portal
  • To promote banking models for agri value chain financing
  • To scale up digital interventions in Rural Financial Institutions
  • For supporting sustainable solutions in the form of digital technologies to overcome issues plaguing agriculture and rural development, a Technology Facilitation Fund with a corpus of Rs.50 crore has been set up


  • Five Year Strategy Plan titled “Pragati-1.0” encompassing business, developmental & supervisory perspectives of the Bank for the period 2023-24 to 2027-28 has been launched from 01 April 2023.
  • Web portal developed for interest subvention claims of RRBs and RCBs for WSHGs under DAY-NRLM. The portal is live from 11 January 2024.
  • Web portal for settling Interest Subvention and Credit Guarantee Fee Claims under Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF) Scheme of DA&FW, GoI. The AIF Interest Subvention Portal jointly developed by DA&FW and NABARD was launched by the Hon’ble Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare on 28 June 2024.
  • Signed Agreement with RBI Innovation Hub (RBIH) for integration of e-KCC (LOS Portal) with Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit for sanction of KCC loan by Cooperative banks and RRBs.
  • NABARD has signed Letter of Intent with Asian Development Bank on 9th April 2024 for collaboration in multiple areas. This milestone event took place during the Asia and the Pacific Food Security Forum in Manila, Philippines, marking the beginning of a series of significant engagements.
  • NABARD received the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP) Award for the “CBS in Rural Cooperative Banks” initiative under the Financial Inclusion category.
  • As on 31 March 2024, Cyber Insurance Policies were issued to 85 RCBs effective from 01 April 2024. Realising the benefits of the less premium and comprehensive coverage, many banks approached NABARD to enable them to avail cyber insurance. Accordingly, 11 banks (including 3 RRBs) were issued the policy w.e.f.01 May 2024.

Work in progress:

  • Implementation of Pragati-1.0 initiatives.
  • Engaged in designing suitable digital banking products for Agri Value Chain financing.
  • Discussions with Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) for identification of potential areas of collaboration.
  • Engagement with the World Bank for grounding a pilot on FPO Accelerator in collaboration with Maharashtra government through its SMART programme.
  • Digital Crop Loans-eKCC portal on a pilot basis in Cooperative banks/RRBs.
  • Upgradation/extension of CBS and CBS plus services to Rural Cooperative Banks.

Contact Information

Shri Manikumar S.
Chief General Manager
4th Floor, ‘C’ Wing
C-24, ‘G’ Block
Bandra-Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East)
Tel: (91) 022 -68120024
E-mail Address:

Information under RTI – Section 4(1)(b)

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