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Long Term Irrigation Fund

Long Term Irrigation Fund (LTIF) was announced in the Union Budget 2016–17 for fast tracking completion of 99 identified Medium and Major Irrigation projects, as identified by MoJS, GoI. The projects were spread across 18 States. Subsequently, 04 more projects, viz., Polavaram project in Andhra Pradesh, North Koel project in Bihar & Jharkhand, Relining of Sirhind & Rajasthan Feeders and Shahpur Kandi Dam in Punjab were included under LTIF.
Under LTIF, NABARD has provided loan towards Central share as well as State share. Loan towards Central share has been extended to NWDA, a SPV of GoI whereas the State share has been extended to participating State Governments.
From 2016-17 to 2020-21, loan was extended towards both Central as well as State share. From 2021-22 onwards, the LTIF funding arrangement is in operation towards State share only. The Central share is to be met from budgetary resources of GoI.
Cumulative loan sanctioned and released as at the end of 30 September 2024 was Rs 85,790.78 crore (Central Share- Rs 46,495.93 crore & State Share- Rs 39,294.85 crore) and Rs 61,396.47 crore (Central Share -Rs 26,500.60 crore & State Share - Rs 34,895.87 crore), respectively. The details of State-wise sanction and release of funds as on 30 September 2024 are given as under:

(Rs in Crore)

Sr. No. State Loan sanctioned Loan released
Central share State Share Central share State Share
1 Andhra Pradesh 425.07 513.87 91.81 489.34
2 Assam 195.04 116.01 7.55 108.10
3 Bihar 240.01 0 146.07 0
4 Chhattisgarh 165.73 80.07 62.79 0
5 Goa 17.60 48.89 3.84 48.89
6 Gujarat 8158.50 3611.03 5635.45 3611.03
7 Jammu & Kashmir 57.34 0 46.26 0
8 Jharkhand 1847.00 518.10 756.73 518.10
9 Karnataka 1837.34 0 1183.32 0
10 Kerala 48.71 0 2.69 0
11 Madhya Pradesh 3537.52 2863.18 811.10 1317.36
12 Maharashtra 4627.50 18021.31 1796.79 13076.15
13 Manipur 309.86 390.37 228.35 370.02
14 Odisha 1751.81 5614.22 1340.82 3510.48
15 Punjab 143.71 0 70.50 0
16 Rajasthan 1084.67 423.06 509.94 397.93
17 Telangana 3478.83 0 673.86 0
18 Uttar Pradesh 4661.86 6431.34 1553.91 6431.18
Sub-Total 32588.09 38631.45 14921.78 29878.58
19 Polavaram 11217.71 - 10650.15 -
20 North Koel Reservoir 1378.61 - 721.22 -
21 Shahpurkandi Dam 485.35 - 207.45 -
22 Relining of Sirhind Feeder and Rajasthan Feeder 826.17 - 0.00 -
Gross-total 46495.93 38631.45 26500.60 29878.58

Loan towards State share has been availed by 13 States, viz., Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Odisha, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Goa, so far.

Out of the 99 projects, Accelerated Area Benefited Programme (AIBP) component of 50 projects and Command Area Development & Water Management (CAD&WM) component of 14 project have been completed as on 31 March 2022.

The LTIF funding arrangement, which was in operation upto 31 March 2021, has since been continued upto FY 2025-26 towards State share only for the ongoing projects (60 AIBP and 85 CAD&WM projects as on 31 March 2021).

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